Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Sweet Caroline

It's a shame...I love the song "Sweet Caroline" by one of my favorite artists, Neil Diamond. It's a shame because I would really hate to see the inspiration for that song get Hillary's Senate seat.

I really don't have any major "beef" with Caroline Kennedy. As the only remaining child of JFK, I respect her. However, I think my main "beef" with the whole issue echoes back to the subject of experience and Palin. It echoes back to the blatant prejudice of the media's treatment that was dealt out toward Sarah Palin a few months ago and now how that good old double standard is, again, so clearly evident. Sure, it was brought up, but then it was promptly tucked to bed and sung a lullaby...nighty, night...shhh!

And now, I hear how sweet Caroline won't disclose even the most basic of background information.

What is behind door number 1? kind of reminds me of Obama's birth certificate controversy. Come on...just present it, in person, before a cross-section of the media. No scans, no verbal confirmations...just cold, hard, visual evidence that is incontrovertible. And just today Justice Kennedy (just relation to the Kennedy mentioned above) rejected two more efforts to look into Obama's legality to be President.

What is behind door number 2?

Kind of reminds me of Obama's remarks earlier this month regarding Blagojevich..."I had no contact with the governor or his office, and so we were notI was not aware of what was happening". And surely, any records that will be released on this issue will surely prove that. That will be another sweet bedtime story to enter into the Obama canon.

What is behind door number 3?

Sometimes, when I try to follow it all...all the confusion...the swill of news that always seems to surround Obama and this world of change he is ushering in...I think of the opening words to "Sweet Caroline"...

"Where it began, I can't begin to know when"

I just hope that we who are conservative in politics can eventually figure it out. I hope that when the fog of all the shotgun blasts of newsbits of the "new revolution" dissipates we will figure it out and then, as The Who once shouted out, we'll get on our "knees and pray, we don't get fooled again".

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