Sunday, November 9, 2008

Obama's Infomercial...A Face in the Crowd

Obama's Infomercial Revisited: It was touching. But, then again, when are stories about hard-working families that struggle to survive not inspiring and when do they not bring a sense of pride and loyalty to the American Dream? Our country was founded on blood, sweat, and tears. Our country has foundations in the striving for a better way that is sometimes not achievable in the lifetime of those striving after it. However, the American Way is to dream. The American Way is to hope. The American Way is to not give up.

Obama did a fine job that night on his infomercial, or I should say that those that put the program together did a fine job. It did not present the standard rhetoric and the left-leaning philosophy of Obama. For all intents and purposes, it looked and sounded very much like a conservative-leaning platform. As I finished watching it, I realized that was what it was supposed to present; the illusion of an everyman Obama, a middle-of-the-road Obama...kudos to them. Mission accomplished.

However, I couldn't help but imagine the subtext of the show going something like this: "Hello, I'm not the President, but I play one on TV".

If you have never seen the movie, "A Face in the Crowd". It will give a whole new perspective on what just happened this Fall.

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